From Nanorobots to Aircraft Engines

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers 4-year B.Tech. programme in  Mechanical Engineering. The Department was established  with the inception of the Institute to produce high quality engineers in the field of Mechanical Engineering to cater the needs of the newly Independent India.

Mechanical Engineering provides the basis of the work where electronics, physics, mechanics thermodynamics meet and where systems and processes are planned, calculated and developed. Mechanical Engineers can develop products ranging from tiny micro sensors for medical technology and highly efficient energy plants to applications for automotive and aircraft. They even use computers to design new machine tools.

The department has high quality laboratories in the areas of Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies, Heat & Mass Transfer, I.C engine, Manufacturing, Automation/Robotics, Computer Aided Designs etc. The faculty and staff are actively involved in fostering industrial collaboratios through training programs, workshops, consulting projects etc.