Labs & Infrastructure
Faculty In-charge:- Mr. Rishav Kumar Gupta
List of Experiments:
- Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Rod.
- Determination of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Composite wall.
- To find the effectiveness of a pin fin in a rectangular duct natural convective condition and plot temperature distribution along its length.
- To find the effectiveness of a pin fin in a rectangular duct under forced convective and plot temperature distribution along its length
- Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a free Convection on a vertical tube.
- Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Forced Convention Flow through a Pipe.
- Determination of Emissivity of a Surface.
- Determination of Stefan Boltzmann’s Constant.
- Determination of LMDT and Effectiveness in a Parallel Flow and Counter Flow Heat Exchangers.
Faculty In-charge:- Mr. Prabhakar Kumar
List of Experiments:
- Performance on hydraulic turbine:
- Pelton wheel
- Francis turbine
- Kaplan turbine
- Performance on hydraulic pump:
- Single stage and Multi stage pump
- Reciprocating pump
- Performance test of a two stage reciprocating air compressor.
- Performance test on an air blower.
Faculty In-charge:- Mr. Jyoti Kumar
List of Experiments:
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Clutches.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Transmission systems.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Drive Lines & Differentials.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Multi-cylinder: Diesel and Petrol Engines.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Fuels supply systems.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Engine cooling & lubricating Systems.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Suspension Systems.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Steering Systems.
- To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the Automotive Brake systems.
Faculty Incharge:- Mr. Love Kumar, Mr. Vishwajeet Kumar
List of Experiments:
- Cutting operation (Orthogonal & Oblique) on lathe machine.
- Bolt making on lathe machine.
- Facing, plain turning and step turning knurling.
- Boring and internal thread cutting.
- Finishing of a surface on surface-grinding machine.
- Gear cutting on milling machine (Spur Gear).
- Machining a block on shaper machine.
- Drilling holes on drilling machine
Welding Lab
- ARC Welding Lap & Butt Joint.
- Spot Welding.
- Gas Welding.
Mechanical Press Working
- Blanking & Piercing operation and study of simple, compound and progressive press tool.
- Bending and other operations