1. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar and A. Chakrbarti (2018) “Static analysis of doubly curved singly ruled truncated FGM cone.” Composite Structures, vol. 184, pp. 523-535. (SCI) DOI:10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.10.028 |
2. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar, D. Barnat-Hunek, Z. Suchorab, W. Andrzejuk and D. Majerek (2018) “Static and dynamic response of FG-CNT reinforced rhombic laminates.” Applied Sciences, vol. 8, pp. 834. (SCIE) DOI:10.3390/app8050834 |
3. M. I. Ansari and A. Kumar (2018) “Bending analysis of functionally graded CNT reinforced doubly curved singly ruled truncated rhombic cone.” Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, vol. 47, pp. 67-86. (SCIE). DOI:10.1080/15397734.2018.1519635 |
4. M. I. Ansari and A. Kumar (2018) “Flexural analysis of functionally graded CNT reinforced doubly curved singly ruled truncated cone.” Journal of Aerospace Engineering ASCE, vol. 32, pp. 04018154. (SCIE). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000988 |
5. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar, D. Barnat-Hunek, Z. Suchorab, S. Fic and A. Siedlecka (2018) “Effect of mass variation on vibration of FGM plate.” AIAA Journal, vol. 56, pp. 4626-4631. (SCI). DOI:10.2514/1.J057095 |
6. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar, S. Fic and D. Barnat-Hunek (2018) “Flexural and Free Vibration Analysis of CNT-Reinforced Functionally Graded Plate.” Materials, vol. 11. (SCIE). DOI:10.3390/ma11122387 |
7. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar, D. Barnat-Hunek, P. Brzyski and W. Andrzejuk (2018) “Dynamic analysis of FGM rhombic plates with variation in mass.” Materials and Technology, vol. 52, pp. 731-736. (SCIE). DOI:10.17222/mit.2018.071 |
8. M. I. Ansari and A. Kumar, D. Barnat-Hunek, Z. Suchorab and B Kwiatkowski. (2019) “Investigation of porosity effect on flexural analysis of doubly curved FGM conoids.” Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, vol. 26, pp. 435-448. (SCIE). DOI: 10.1515/secm-2019-0026 |
9. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar and R. Bandhopadyay (2019) “Bending analysis of doubly curved FGM sandwich rhombic conoids.” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 71, pp. 469-483. (SCIE). DOI: 10.12989/sem.2019.71.5.469 |
10. M. I. Ansari, A. K. Chaubey, A. Kumar, A. Chakrabarti and S. S. Mishra (2018). “Analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced laminates” Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 18, pp. 628-637. (SCOPUS). DOI:10.1016/j.matpr.2019.06.457 |
11. M. I. Ansari, A. Kumar, D. Barnat-Hunek and G. Lagod (2019) “Static response of FGM porous rhombic conoidal shell.” IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, 710:012039. (SCOPUS). DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/710/1/012039 |
12. Published a Book Chapter titled “Reducing the Gap between Architectural Philosophy and Structural Design through Pedagogy” in the Book entitled Architecture Pedagogy Concepts, Theories & Paradigms, Published by Wellworth Books International. ISBN: 978-8193774939 |
13. Published a Book Chapter titled “Earthquake Resistant Architecture” in the Book entitled Science in Architecture, Published by MEDTECH. ISBN: 978-93-89393-60-6 |