P1. Suraj, Md Sanam*, Hassan, M.R.:
Sitnikov problem: Its extension to four body problem. Proc. Of the PAS, 48(2), 117-126, 2011. [DOI] |
P2. Suraj, Md Sanam*, Hassan, M.R.:
Solution of Sitnikov Restricted four body problem when all the primaries are oblate Bodies: Circular Case. Pro. Of the PAS, 50(1), 61-69, 2013. [DOI] |
P3. Suraj, Md Sanam*, Hassan, M.R.:
Sitnikov Restricted Four-Body Problem with Radiation Pressure. Astrophysics and Space Science, 349(2), PP: 705-716(2014). [DOI] |
P4. Suraj, Md Sanam*, Hassan, M.R., Asique, M.C.:
The Photo-Gravitational R3BP when the Primaries are Heterogeneous Spheroid with Three Layers. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 61(3), 122-155(2014). [DOI] |
P5. Asique, M.C., Prasad, U., Hassan, M.R., Suraj, Md Sanam:
On the R4BP when the third primary is an oblate spheroid. Astrophysics and Space Science, 357, 82(2015). [DOI] |
P6. Asique, M.C., Prasad, U., Hassan, M.R., Suraj, Md Sanam:
On the photogravitational R4BP when the third primary is oblate/prolate spheroid. Astrophysics and Space Science, 360, 13(2015). [DOI] |
P7. Mittal, A., Suraj, Md Sanam*, Aggarwal, Rajiv, Bisht, V.S.:
Stability of libration points in the restricted four-body problem with variable mass. Astrophysics and Space Science, 361(10), 329(2016). [DOI] |
P8. Asique, M.C., Prasad, U., Hassan, M.R., Suraj, Md Sanam:
On the R4BP when the third primary is a triaxial rigid body. Astrophysics and Space Science, 361(12), 1-18(2016). [DOI] |
P9.Asique, M.C., Prasad, U., Hassan, M.R., Suraj, Md Sanam
On the R4BP when the third primary is an ellipsoid. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 64(3), 231–250(2016). [DOI] |
P10. Shalini, K., Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R.
The Non-linear stability of L4 in the R3BP when the smaller primary is a heterogeneous spheroid. J. of Astronaut Sci, 64:18-49(2017). [DOI] |
P11. Md Sanam Suraj *, Aggarwal, R., Arora, M.
On the Restricted four-body problem with the effect of small Perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces. Astrophysics and Space Science. 362, 159(2017). [DOI] |
P12. Md Sanam Suraj*, Asique, M.C., Prasad, U., Hassan, M.R., Shalini, K.
Fractal basins of attraction in the restricted four body problem when the primaries are triaxial rigid bodies. Astrophysics and Space Science. 362, 211(2017). [DOI] |
Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj
P13. Basins of attraction of equilibrium points in the planar circular restricted five-body problem. Astrophysics and Space Science, 363, 20(2018). [DOI] |
P14. Md Sanam Suraj *. Rajiv, R., Shalini, K., Asique, Asique, M.C.
Out-of-Plane Equilibrium Points and Regions of Motion in Photogravitational R3BP when the Primaries Are Heterogeneous Spheroid with Three Layers. New Astronomy. 63:15-26 August-2018. [DOI] |
P15. Mittal, A., Md Sanam Suraj, Arora, M., Aggarwal, R.:
Basins of Convergence in the Planar restricted four-body problem with variable mass. Application and Applied Mathematics, 13(2) 1230-1247(2018). [DOI] |
P16. Zotos, E.E., Satya, S.K., Aggarwal, R., Md Sanam Suraj.
Basins of convergence in the Sitnikov four-body problem with non-spherical primaries. Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28(5), 1830016(2018). [DOI] |
P17. Suraj, Md Sanam*, Mittal, A., Arora, M., Aggarwal. R.
Exploring the fractal basins of convergence in the restricted four-body problem with oblateness. Int. J. of Nonlinear Mechanics, 102, 62-71(2018). [DOI] |
P18. Mittal, A., Aggarwal. R., Suraj, Md Sanam*, Arora, M.
On the Photo-gravitational restricted four-body Problem with variable mass. Astrophysics and Space Sciences, 363, 109(2018). [DOI] |
P19. Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Satya, S.K.
Investigating the basins of convergence in the circular Sitnikov three-body problem with non-spherical primaries. Few-Body System, 59, 69(2018). [DOI] |
P20. Suraj, Md Sanam*, Zotos, E.E., Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R., Kaur, C.
Fractal basins of convergence of libration points in the planar Copenhagen problem with a repulsive quasi-homogeneous Manev-type potential. Int. J. of Nonlinear Mechanics, 103, 113-127(2018). [DOI] |
P21. Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
Comparing the Geometry of the Basins of Attraction, the Speed and the Efficiency of Several Numerical Methods. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, 4:1-18(2018). [DOI] |
P22: Zotos, E. E, Md Sanam Suraj, Jain, M., Aggarwal, R.
Revealing the Newton-Raphson basins of convergence in the circular pseudo-Newtonian Sitnikov problem. Int. J. of Nonlinear Mechanics, 105, 43-54(2018). [DOI] |
P23. Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Md Sanam Suraj*, Bisht, V.
The effect of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces on the existence of libration points in the restricted four‐body problem with variable mass. Astronomical notes, 339(6), 492-502(2018) [DOI] |
P24. Md Sanam Suraj*, Mittal, A., Kaur, C., Aggarwal, R.
On the existence of libration points in the spatial collinear restricted four-body problem within frame of repulsive Manev potential and variable mass. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 117, 94–104 (2018). [DOI] |
P25. Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
Revealing the existence and stability of equilibrium points in the circular autonomous restricted four-body problem with variable mass. New Astronomy, 68, 1-9, (2019). [DOI] |
P26. Md Sanam Suraj, Zotos, E.E., Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
Unveiling the basins of convergence in the pseudo-Newtonian planar circular Restricted four-body problem. New Astronomy, 66, 52-67, (2019). [DOI] |
P27. Md Sanam Suraj, Sachan, P., Zotos, E.E., Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
On The fractal basins of convergence of the libration points in the axisymmetric five-body problem: the convex configuration. Int. J. of Nonlinear Mechanics, 109, 80-106(2019). [DOI] |
P28. Md Sanam Suraj, Asique, M.C., Aggarwal, R.
On the restricted four-body problem when primaries are triaxial rigid body. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 31(1), 2019. [DOI] |
P29. Md Sanam Suraj, Abouelmagd, E.I., Aggarwal, R., Mittal, M.
The analysis of Restricted five–body problem within frame of variable mass. New Astronomy, 70, 12-21, (2019). [DOI] |
P30. Md Sanam Suraj, Sachan, P., Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
The effect of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces in the axisymmetric restricted five-body problem. Astrophysics and Space Science, 364, 44 (2019). [DOI] |
P31. Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
On the convergence dynamics of the Sitnikov problem with non-spherical primaries. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 5, 43 (2019). [DOI] |
P32. Md Sanam Suraj, Sachan, P., Zotos, E.E., Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
On the Newton–Raphson basins of convergence associated with the libration points in the axisymmetric restricted five-body problem: The concave configuration. Int. J. of Non-Linear Mechanics. 112, 25-47 (2019). [DOI] |
P33. Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C., Sachan, P.
On the perturbed photogravitational restricted five-body problem: the analysis of fractal basins of convergence. Astrophysics and space science, 364, 87(2019). [DOI] |
P34. Md Sanam Suraj, Asique, M.C., Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
Divulging the effect of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces in the photogravitational version of autonomous restricted four-body problem with oblate primary. Astronomical Notes, 340(5), 413-429 (2019). [DOI] |
P35. Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A.
Orbit classification in the Copenhagen problem with oblate primaries, Astronomical Notes, 340(8), 760-770(2019). [DOI] |
P36. Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A.
Determining the basins of convergence in the Sitnikov three-body problem with a repulsive quasi-homogeneous Manev-type potential. Nonlinear Studies, 26(4), 1027-1044 (2019). [DOI] |
P37. Zotos, E.E., Papadakis, K., Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Aggarwal, R.
Networks of periodic orbits in the pseudo-Newtonian circular restricted three-body problem. Meccanica, 54, 2339–2365 (2019). [DOI] |
P38: Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Jain, M., Aggarwal, R.
Determining the properties of the basins of convergence in the generalized Henon-Heiles system. Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 30(1), 2050007(2020). [DOI] |
P39. Mittal, A., Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R.
The analysis of periodic orbits generated by Lagrangian solutions of the restricted three-body problem with non-spherical primaries. New Astronomy, 74, 101287 (2020). [DOI] |
P40. Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Krishan Pal, K.
Stability of the Artificial Equilibrium Points in the Low-Thrust Restricted Three-Body Problem when the Bigger Primary is a Source of Radiation, Nonlinear Dynamics and System theory, 20(3), 333-344(2020). [DOI] |
P41. Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Kaur, C., Aggarwal, R.
The analysis of Copenhagen problem with a repulsive quasi-homogeneous Manev-type potential within the frame of variable mass, Astronomical Notes, Volume 341, Issue 4, (2020). [DOI] |
P42. Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Meena, O.P., Asique, O.P.
On the spatial collinear restricted four-body problem with non-spherical primaries. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 133, 109609 (2020). [DOI] |
P43. Zotos, E.E., Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Kaur, C.
Basins of Convergence in the Collinear Restricted Four-body Problem with a Repulsive Manev Potential, Application and applied mathematics: An international journal (AAM), V15(1), 2020, PP: 38-57. [DOI] |
P44. Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Asique, M.C.
The perturbed restricted three-body problem with angular velocity: Analysis of basins of convergence linked to the libration points. Int. J. of Non-Linear Mechanics, 123, 103494 (2020). [DOI] |
P45. Zotos, E, Wei Chen, Md Sanam Suraj, Rajiv, A., Kaur, C.
Revealing the Escape Dynamics in a Hamiltonian System with Five Exits, Journal of Nonlinear Modeling and Analysis. 2020, 2(4), 551-564. [DOI] |
P46. Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Meena, O.P., Asique, M.C.
The study of the fractal basins of convergence linked with libration points in the perturbed (N+1)-body ring problem. Astronomical Notes, Volume 341, Issue 8, October 2020. [DOI] |
P47. Aggarwal, R., Md Sanam Suraj*, Asique, M.C., Mittal, A.
The analysis of basins of convergence in the regular polygon problem of (N+1) bodies system with spheroidal primaries. New Astronomy, 85, 101530(2021). [DOI] |
P48. Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Asique, M.C.
The effect of radiation pressure on the basins of convergence in the restricted four-body problem. Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 141, 110347(2020). [DOI] |
P49. Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C., Mittal, A.
On the modified circular restricted three-body problem with variable mass. New Astronomy, 84, 101510 (2020). [DOI] |
P50. Md Sanam Suraj, Mittal, A., Pal, K., Mittal, D.
Stability of the Artificial Equilibrium Points in the Low-Thrust Restricted Three-Body Problem when the Smaller Primary is an Oblate Spheroid. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 20 (4) (2020) 439–450. [DOI] |
P51. Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C., Mittal, A.
The Basins of Convergence in the Magnetic-Binary Problem with Angular Velocity. Comp. and Math Methods. 3, e1161. (2021). [DOI] |
P52. Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R., Aggarwal, V.K., Asique, M.C.
Combined effect of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces and three-body interaction on the existence of libration points in the R3BP. New Astronomy, 89, 101630 (2021). [DOI] |
P53. Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C., Mittal, A., Jain, M., Paliwal, V.K.
Effect of three-body interaction on the topology of basins of convergence linked to the libration points in the R3BP. Planetary and Space sciences, 205, 105281 (2021). [DOI] |
P54. Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R., Aggarwal, V.K., Asique, M.C., Mittal, A.
On the Sitnikov-like N-Body problem with quasi-homogeneous potential. Computational and Mathematical Methods, 27 June, 2021; V-3(5): e1180. [DOI] |
P55. Sachan, P., Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Asique, M.C.
On the axis-symmetric restricted five-body problem within the frame of variable mass: the convex case. New Astronomy, 92, 101697 (2022). [DOI] |
P56. Md Sanam Suraj*, Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C., Shalini, K.
The study of Newton-Raphson basins of convergence in the three-dipole problem. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107, 829–854 (2022). [DOI] |
P57. Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Asique*, M.C., Mittal, A.
The influence of third order term on basins of convergence in the Henon-Heiles type system. New Astronomy, 94, 101761 (2022). [DOI] |
P58. Md Sanam Suraj*, Alhowaity, S., Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C., Mittal, A., Jain, M.
On the topology of basins of convergence linked to libration points in the modified R3BP with oblateness. New Astronomy, 94, 101776 (2022). [DOI] |
P59. Md Sanam Suraj*, Alhowaity, S., Aggarwal, R.
Fractal basins of convergence in rhomboidal restricted six-body problem. New Astronomy, Volume 94, 101798 (2022). [DOI] |
P60. Md Sanam Suraj, Dubeibe, F.L., Rajiv Aggarwal, R., Asique*, M.C.
On the beyond-Newtonian collinear circular restricted (3+1)-body problem with spinning primaries. Astrophysics and Space Science, 367, 55 (2022). [DOI] |
P61. Md Sanam Suraj, Alhowaity, S., Aggarwal, R., Asique*, M.C.
Orbit classification in the restricted three-body problem with the effect of three-body interaction. New Astronomy, 98, 101894 (2023). [DOI] |
P62. Md Sanam Suraj*, Alhowaity, S., Aggarwal, R., Asique, M. C., Alahmadi, A.
On the rhomboidal restricted five-body problem: Analysis of the basins of convergence. New Astronomy, 97, 101893 (2022).[DOI] |
P63. Meena, O.P., Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Amit Mittal, A., Asique, M.C.*
The study of periodic orbits in the spatial collinear restricted four-body problem with non-spherical primaries. Non-Linear Dynamics, 111, 4283–4311 (2023). [DOI] |
P64. Md Sanam Suraj, Meena, O.P., Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Asique, M. C.*
On the periodic orbits around the collinear libration points in the SCR4BP with non-spherical primaries. Non-Linear Dynamics, 111, 5547–5577 (2023). [DOI] |
P65. Sachan, P.*, Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R., Mittal, A., Asique, M.C.
The axisymmetric restricted five-body problem within the frame of variable mass: Concave case, Astronomy Report, 67, 404–423 (2023). [DOI] |
P66. Md Sanam Suraj, Dubeibe, F.L., Aggarwal, R., Asique, M.C.*, Alhowaity, S., Alhowaity, A.
On the basins of convergence in the beyond-Newtonian spatial collinear circular restricted four-body problem with spinning primaries, New Astronomy, Volume 102, 2023, 102035. [DOI] |
P67. Mittal, A., Pal, K.*, Md Sanam Suraj, Aggarwal, R.
Effect of Stokes drag in the restricted four-body problem with variable mass. New Astronomy, Volume 103, October 2023, 102042. [DOI] |
P68. Alrebdi, H.I., Norah A.M. Alsaif, Md Sanam Suraj, Zotos, E.E.*
Investigating the properties of equilibrium points of the collinear restricted 4-body problem. Planetary and space sciences, 2023, [DOI] |
P69. Asique, M.C., Alhowaity, S., Alhowaity, A., Hamam, H., Md Sanam Suraj*.
The study of equilibrium dynamics of the collinear restricted four-body problem with non-spherical test particle. Astronomy and Computing, 2023, [DOI] |
P70. H.I. Alrebdi, K.S. Al-mugren, F.L. Dubeibe, M.S. Suraj, E.E. Zotos*
On the equilibrium points of the collinear restricted 4-body problem with non-spherical bodies. Astronomy and Computing, Volume 48, 100832, 2024, [DOI] |
P71. Suraj, M.S., et al.:
A study of the equilibrium dynamics of the test particle in the collinear circular restricted four-body problem with non-spherical central primary. Astronomy and Computing, Volume 48, 100831,2024, [DOI] |